Following the teaching and example of Jesus of Nazareth, the Trust, unique in its position in the Middle East, aims to reach out to the local population and to the wider world, irrespective of faith, political persuasion or tradition, through healthcare, education, proclamation and service.
We aim to provide excellence in healthcare to the people of Nazareth and beyond, developing our clinical and academic services in accordance with the highest international standards and becoming a hospital of choice, not only for patients but also for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.
We aim to empower our young people through an expanded provision of education courses related to health care. We aim to develop the leaders of tomorrow, by establishing a leadership programme in partnership with other Christian institutions in Nazareth taught by top Christian leaders from around the world.
We aim to affirm, explain and illustrate the teachings of Jesus using archeologically and historically accurate portrayals of rural life in New Testament times.
We aim to support and encourage local Christian ministries by attracting international Christian volunteers to serve alongside them and in so doing aspire to be a uniting influence across the Christian traditions. We aim to encourage our volunteers to grow in their faith and to strengthen their commitment to a lifetime of Christian service.