The Nazareth Trust

Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861
+44 (0)131 225 9957

August 2024 Prayer Update


Nazareth Trust Prayer Letter

 ‘The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’

(Philippians 4:5b-7)

Dear friends and supporters of the Nazareth Trust,

Greetings from Nazareth!

People here are continuing with their daily routines as much as possible and all the services offered by the different entities of the Nazareth Trust continue to operate as normal (despite the drastic reduction in the number of tour groups visiting the Nazareth Village and slow return of volunteers serving with Serve Nazareth due to the current war).

Due to the latest developments, there is a build-up of tension and anxiety among the local population, which we face with faith and prayers, alongside intensive and continuous preparations of our staff and premises for any unlikely event.

We would like to kindly ask you to join us in praying for:

  • God’s peace and protection for our staff and their families as they continue with their daily routines of work and family life in Nazareth and the surrounding areas.
  • God’s protection over the campus and all the facilities of the Nazareth Trust.
  • Effective delivery of services in the event of conflict escalation.
  • The different institutions of the Nazareth Trust to continue to offer healing, hope and hospitality to all those who come to us in their time of need.
  • Wisdom, grace, and courage for the leadership of the Nazareth Trust as they continue to make decisions about the strategic direction and goals of the organization for the years ahead.
  • The end the violence and suffering and a sustainable peace between all the people of this region.
  • God’s comfort and strength for all those suffering from physical, mental or spiritual pain.
  • Recovery of the Nazareth Village and Serve Nazareth program.
  • More students to enroll for the BA Nursing degree with the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing which commences in November.
  • The Farah Summer camp for the children of staff which will be run at the School of Nursing next week to go well and for the safety and protection of all the children and the counselors and helpers who will be participating in this week-long camp.
  • The special summer program offered without charge to local churches and schools by the Nazareth Village on the parables of Jesus.
  • Fast and safe accomplishment of the capital development projects of the new fortified ER and additional floors of the School of Nursing.
  • Wisdom and strength to the spiritual care team in their efforts to support and strengthen those who are facing different levels of anxiety.
  • Thanksgiving to God for the financial and organizational stability we are experiencing as the Nazareth Trust despite the current circumstances.
  • Thanksgiving for donations received to enable safeguarding the Nazareth village activities and to expand the psychological department activities to cope with the current crisis and establish a “community resilience center”

With our deep gratitude and appreciation for your prayers and support for the Nazareth Trust at this challenging time for all of us!

Waseem Dibbini

Acting CEO of the Nazareth Trust