The Nazareth Trust

Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861
+44 (0)131 225 9957
Pastoral support at the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing

Pastoral support at the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing

Dr Amal Khazin, Director of Nursing Education, is now in her 23rd year working with our students in Nazareth. We asked her about the importance of training students to a high professional standard and how pastoral care, as well as the academic development of each person, is a vital part of this process.

Prayer Diary – Spring 2018

Prayer Diary – Spring 2018

Prayer is central to everything we do at the Nazareth Trust. Please join us in prayer over the coming weeks and months. We’ve put together a short prayer diary to […]

Join us at the Scottish Parliament

Join us at the Scottish Parliament

We’re celebrating a fresh chapter in a long story and we would like you to be part of it. You are warmly invited to a reception for the Nazareth Trust […]

Spring Newsletter 2018

Spring Newsletter 2018

Welcome to the online version of our Spring Newsletter. We’ve done a round-up of latest developments in all our areas of work and hope you will enjoy reading about our […]

Nazareth Challenge 2018

Nazareth Challenge 2018

They did it! A big congratulations to all of our amazing walkers and cyclists who took part in this year’s Nazareth Challenge. Our walkers followed a route known as the […]

Pray with the Nazareth Trust

Pray with the Nazareth Trust

Prayer is central to what we do. You can support our work by being a regular prayer partner in our work. You can download our prayer guide here.

We usually receive an intake of students in October of each year. I always keep an eye out for new students to learn their names and to see how they are settling in. After my many years of experience I can usually tell when things are going well and when they aren’t quite right.

I remember one student whose behaviour seemed a little unusual. Whether she knew it or not, she was coming across to other students as being quite arrogant and some of the School secretaries and staff started to raise questions about her attitude and interaction with others. To be a good nurse, strong interpersonal skills are really important and so this was of concern to me.

In the School we have a support system through which every teacher becomes a sort of counsellor for a number of students. I asked to become this student’s counsellor so I could find out how best I could help. Very quickly I discovered that this student had a lot of anger and felt that life hadn’t treated her fairly. On the surface, you would never have thought that such a beautiful twenty-year-old could have such anger and feelings of low self-worth.

The student had experienced a lot of pain in her life, but I discovered that she was a Christian and open to discussion, so I started working with her to resolve these problems through our shared faith in Jesus Christ. The Trust’s Spiritual Director happened to be meeting with two priests from oversees. They all prayed with me and for our student which was a real help.

I always keep an eye out for new students to learn their names and to see how they are settling in.

After we had prayed, the student was so cheerful and full of joy. Her church affiliation is strong and is more tolerant of other people than before. All the staff noticed a sudden change in her attitudes and behaviour. She is now kind and respectful, making every effort to study hard and pass her exams.

I am sure that in many other Nursing Schools this student would not have been given the chance to continue her studies and may have been shown the door. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to open up to change, even if it is difficult. The supportive care that she received here made a real difference, not just to the outcome of her studies, but to her as a person and to the community she will be part of later in life too.

Give thanks and pray

We are now recognised by the Higher Counsel of Education to offer B.A. degree level qualifications to our students, through a brand-new partnership with a neighbouring college, Emek Yisrael.

Please pray for the students who started this new programme in November 2017 and pray for the staff from both institutions to form solid relationships with mutual respect and mutual understanding at the heart of all we do.