The Nazareth Trust

Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861
+44 (0)131 225 9957
Rev Clephane Hume – People who are part of our story

Rev Clephane Hume – People who are part of our story

Last month, Rev Clephane Hume, one of our long-standing supporters, came to visit us at the Edinburgh office for an interview. You can read it below: If you’d like to […]

Easter Reflection from the Nazareth Trust

Easter Reflection from the Nazareth Trust

Here’s our Easter reflection written by our Spiritual Director, Frank Kantor: Suffering and Glory ‘And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that […]

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer

Friday, 4 March The World Day of Prayer is an international Christian movement that seeks to unite people all across the globe in praying for the world. This year’s theme […]

The Nazareth Trust presents to the Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group

The Nazareth Trust presents to the Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group

On Tuesday, 22nd February 2022, the Chairman of the Trust, Dr Morgan Jamieson, and the Nazareth Hospital Medical Director Prof Fahed Hakim, presented to Scottish MSPs the work of the […]

World Day of the Sick 2022

World Day of the Sick 2022

Today on World Day of the Sick, the Nazareth Trust offers prayers to those suffering from illnesses and their caregivers. Our prayers are for all our patients in the Nazareth […]

Richard Mayhew at Premier Christian Radio

Richard Mayhew at Premier Christian Radio

Last Saturday evening, our CEO Richard Mayhew was interviewed by Sam Hailes on Premier Christian Radio. In case you missed it, here is the interview so you can listen to […]

His Excellency Isaac Herzog visits the Nazareth Hospital

His Excellency Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel, visits the Nazareth Hospital to launch the 160th Anniversary Celebrations

On Tuesday evening, His Excellency Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel, and his wife Michal Herzog visited the Nazareth Hospital to witness the launch of the Nazareth Trust […]